How to Teleport in Minecraft on PC or Console

  • You can teleport almost anywhere in Minecraft using the “/tp” command.
  • You’ll need to enable cheats in your Minecraft world before you can teleport.
  • Once active, you can teleport to other players, dimensions, or specific coordinates.
  • Visit Insider’s Tech Reference library for more stories.

Minecraft worlds are massive. Even in the vanilla version of the game, a new world stretches for about 30 million blocks in each cardinal direction — and that’s not counting places like the Nether or the End.

This means that even if you’re fast, getting from one spot to another can take ages. Luckily, there are shortcuts.

In both the Java and Bedrock versions of Minecraft, you can use command codes to teleport almost anywhere, as well as teleport other players. Here’s how.

How to teleport in Minecraft

Before you can teleport, you need to enable cheats in your Minecraft world. There are two ways to enable cheats depending on whether you’re starting a new world or playing in one you’ve already created, but they’re both simple. Check out our article on how to enable cheats for the full details.

Once you’ve got cheats active, press T on your keyboard or the right D-pad button on your controller to open the chat menu. Then type /tp.

At this point, you’ve got a few different options. The best and easiest way to teleport around is using XYZ coordinates.

Every single location in Minecraft has unique XYZ coordinates. To find them in the Java edition, press F3 on your keyboard (sometimes Fn + F3 if you’re on a laptop). In Bedrock, pause the game and click Settings, then toggle on Show Coordinates in the Game Settings menu.

You can teleport to any location as long as you have its coordinates. To do it, type your command like this: /tp X Y Z.

So for example, if you’re trying to teleport to the location 70, 70, 70, you’ll type: /tp 70 70 70.

Teleporting using a console command in Minecraft.

You’ll teleport immediately.

Mojang; William Antonelli/Insider

If you’re not sure exactly where you want to go, but know which direction you want, use the tilde key (~). Typing /tp ~70 ~70 ~70 will warp you 70 blocks east, 70 blocks into the air, and 70 blocks south from where you’re currently standing. To go the opposite directions (west, down, north) add a minus sign before the number.

You can teleport other players, too. Just type their username before the coordinates — so if you’re trying to teleport a player named JohnDoe, you’ll type: /tp JohnDoe 70 70 70.

And if all you want is to teleport yourself to JohnDoe (or any other player), just type: /tp JohnDoe.

But beware that if you’re not careful, you can teleport yourself into solid ground. If you do this, your character will start taking heavy damage and die in a few seconds. You can avoid this by adding the word true to the end of your cheat — this will make the game check if there are blocks at the location you’re trying to warp to, and cancel the teleport if it finds any.

Attempting to teleport in Minecraft with the "true" modifier, and showing the message saying that the teleport is invalid.

Adding “true” to your teleport command will check to see if the destination is safe.

Mojang; William Antonelli/Insider

Here are some other quick teleport commands:

  • /tp @a @s: Teleports every player to you. Replace @s with some coordinates to teleport them there instead.
  • /tp @e[type=EnemyName] @s: Teleports every nearby enemy of a certain type directly to you. Replace the EnemyName placeholder with whatever mob you want.
  • /tp ~ 62 ~: This keeps you in the same cardinal directions, but moves you to sea level altitude. This trick works for every coordinate — just replace any coordinate with a tilde if you want to stay on that same coordinate but change the others.

How to teleport to The Nether and The End

Every game of Minecraft starts you in the Overworld, which is the dimension where you’ll spend most of your time. Getting to the game’s two other dimensions — The Nether and The End — usually takes special items.

But in Minecraft: Java Edition, you can teleport between dimensions in seconds. To do this, you’ll combine the teleport cheat with a new command: “/execute.”

To teleport yourself to another dimension, open the chat box and type: /execute in DimensionName run tp PlayerName ~ ~ ~.

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Replace the DimensionName placeholder with the world that you want to warp to (you can choose Overworld, The_Nether, or The_End), the PlayerName placeholder with the player you want to warp (leave it blank if you’re warping yourself), and the tildes with coordinates.

Two screenshots from Minecraft, showing how to teleport between dimensions.

It might take a few moments for your game to load the new world once you teleport.

Mojang; William Antonelli/Insider

Be careful when choosing coordinates — both The Nether and The End have much different layouts than the Overworld, so it’s easy to teleport yourself straight into lava, a mountain, or a bottomless pit. And unfortunately, the “true” command doesn’t work when switching dimensions.

The best strategy is to travel between dimensions normally first, mark down some safe coordinates, then use those later.

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