Melissa Henderson promoted at RiverStone | Business

Melissa Henderson has been promoted to director of Health Promotion in Public Health Service at RiverStone Health. She succeeds Claire Oakley, who recently retired.

Henderson has been with RiverStone Health eight years, most recently serving as community health improvement manager for the Healthy By Design Coalition on behalf of Billings Clinic, St. Vincent Healthcare and RiverStone Health to address community needs for health at the policy level and neighborhood level.

She has a bachelor’s of arts degree in education, a master’s of public health degree in international family and child health and is certified in public health by the National Board of Public Health Examiners.

Henderson and her husband, a physician assistant at RiverStone Health Clinic, migrated to Montana in 2014 from Arizona with a short stint in Portland, Ore., along the way.  

“Billings was the best of both worlds for us – still solidly rooted in the West, plenty of sunshine, socioeconomically diverse with skiing nearby,” Henderson said. “This new opportunity allows me to remain involved in the work and the partnerships that I love – working to make the healthy choice, the easy choice at the community level.”

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