The Sill, Bloomscape, Leon & George: plant delivery services, compared

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Online houseplant delivery comparison 4x3

Alyssa Powell/Business Insider

You’re not just imagining it — everyone around you is suddenly interested in owning a houseplant. Beautiful Instagram photos of sun-soaked, greenery-filled rooms, combined with the realization that taking care of a living thing is emotionally fulfilling, are making millennials buy up Swiss cheese-like Monstera plants and resilient snake plants with renewed vigor. 

The growth of cool, millennial-focused online shops is also playing a role.

Instead of going to a traditional nursery, you can browse and order attractive, low-maintenance plants online, plus receive the guidance and tips needed to take care of them properly. For anyone who lives in a metropolitan area or doesn’t have access to a car, these online stores make it much easier to receive or gift plants without the hassle. 

The Sill, Leon & George, and Bloomscape are a few of the more popular names in the houseplant delivery space. We tried each of them to send plants to ourselves and loved ones, and we were satisfied overall with their easy shopping experiences and reliable shipping processes.

But if you want to get into the nitty-gritty of how they differ in features like shipping and return policies, plant care advice, and types of accessories offered, we’ve laid out the facts below. 

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