Zelenskyy Suspends Ukrainian Opposition Parties With Ties to Russia

  • Ukrainian President Zelenskyy banned the activities of political opposition parties in the country. 
  • In an address Sunday, Zelenskyy said that “everyone must now take care of the interests of our state.” 
  • The Ukrainian Ministry of Justice will “immediately take comprehensive measures” to enforce the ban, Zelenskyy said. 

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced a ban on activities by political opposition parties in the country. 

“Given the full-scale war waged by the Russian Federation and the ties of some political structures with this state, any activity of a number of political parties during the martial law is suspended,” Zelenskyy said in a video address on Sunday.

The 11 opposition parties named were: Opposition Platform – For Life, Shariy Party, Nashi, Opposition Bloc, Left Opposition, Union of Left Forces, State, Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine, Socialist Party of Ukraine, Socialists Party, and Volodymyr Saldo Bloc.

Ukraine imposed martial law directly following Russia’s invasion. Martial law is a law administered by the military rather than a civilian government and may be declared in an emergency or as a response to a crisis.

“I want to remind all politicians from any camp: wartime shows very well the meanness of personal ambitions of those who try to put their own ambitions, their own party or career above the interests of the state, the interests of the people,” Zelenskyy said in the address. 

“Any activity of politicians aimed at splitting or collaborating will not succeed. But it will get a tough response,” he added. “The activities of those politicians aimed at division or collusion will not succeed, but will receive a harsh response.”

The Ukrainian Ministry of Justice will “immediately take comprehensive measures” to enforce the ban,” Zelenskyy noted. 

“Everyone must now take care of the interests of our state, the interests of Ukraine,” Zelenskyy said. “Because it’s for us. Because it is for the sake of life.” 

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