1818 Airport Plaza Drive, $60,500, owner and contractor is Charles Nelson, expansion of pickup department
1365 N. Clinton St., $8,499, owner is Julie Matthews, contractor is Pormax Construction
3142 Holly Drive, $6,000, owner is Sherril Burgess, contractor is D & R Roofing, Inc., roof replacement
5580 E. North Fork Drive, $55,000, owner and contractor is Morton Buildings, Inc., shelter over existing Macon County Courthouse
3225 N. University Ave., $4,254, owner is Jennifer (Musick) Ganley, contractor is General Fence, high galvanized fence
4857 E. US Route 36, $3,000, owner is Kyle Christian, contractor is Romano Company, removing interior walls and flooring
258 S. Westlawn Ave., $66,000, owner is Louis Kappler, contractor is Brady Lunsford, installing solar panel system
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3747 E. William Street Road, $9,970, owner is Lori Romans, contractor is Allen Francisco, construction of wall section and any work required by city
1449 N. Church St., $35,500, owner is City of Decatur, contractor is Parkland Environmental, demolition of property
1012 S. Maffit St., $9,970, owner is City of Decatur, contractor is JRH Services, Inc., demolish house
Source: City of Decatur Economic/Urban Development Department records.
Lynda Margerum at 217-421-7969. Follow on Twitter: LMargerumHR